Enfant une foule importune from L'amont anonyme (The Anonymous Lover)
At last, the important crowd leaves me in peace.
What a state I'm in!
My cruel misfortune is now complete
I dare not enter to the bottom of my heart
I'm afraid I'm going too deep
A secret so fateful
Alas, action! No more rest for me.
I have no hope left
Ah! At least if the iinsider were to grant me ills
A tender pity
The shared pain becomes lighter
But my soulrefuses to open to Valcor.
Valcous, whose freindship was always so dear to me
His cold heart, his severe mood
Love's torments can't sympathize.
Love, become favorable to me or suspend (at least) your rigor!
By the cruelest torment, cease to tear my heart!
Tiger, wetze nur die klauen from Zaide
Tiger! sharpen your claws,
rejoice in the stolen booty!
Punish a foolish trust
on feigned tenderness!
Come quickly and kill us both,
suck the warm blood of innocence,
tear the heart from the bowels
and satiate your rage!
Oh my Gomatz, with us poor
Fate has no mercy.
Only death ends our bitter misery.
Tiger! sharpen your claws, etc.
Oh quand je dor
Ah, while I sleep, come close to where I lie,
As Laura once appeared to Petrarch,
And let your breath in passing touch me …
At once my lips
Will part!
On my sombre brow, where a dismal dream
That lasted too long now perhaps is ending,
Let your countenance rise like a star …
At once my dream
Will shine!
Then on my lips, where a flame flickers—
A flash of love which God himself has purified—
Place a kiss and be transformed from angel into woman …
At once my soul
Will wake!​